About US
Established on 30 July 2005, Yayasan Gual Periok (YGP) is a visionary NGO founded by the esteemed Dato’ Philosopher D’Outreach Professor Dr. Halo-N Badii’uzzaman. With a profound mission to enhance the prosperity and development of Kampung Gual Periok and its people, YGP is committed to advancing knowledge, economic growth, and fiscal sustainability in alignment with its bold vision: “Educated Family and Multi-Millionaire.”

Classical Philosopher
Prof. Dr. Igor Kondrashin
World Philosophical Forum
Universal State of the Earth (USE)
The Declaration of the Citizens of the Earth who have received the passport of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) make the following solemn pledge:
We, the Citizens of the Earth (COE), realizing the increasing need for universal norms and principles of human coexistence on all continents of our planet, consider the receipt the Passports of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) citizens as symbolic support and adherence to the following Universal Declaration:
1. Each passport of a citizen of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) is the direct evidence of a highly developed consciousness, positive individuality, and uniqueness of its owner. It is a symbol of the deep connection of the individual with the most advanced and most intelligent part of Humanity.

Dr. Steven V. Roy
Greek Central Section of the
World Philosophical Forum
Message from Dr. Steven Roy
At the dawn of 2025, Humanity can boast of walking with rapid steps towards the peak of the Information Revolution with the minimization of data retrieval and processing processes, the enormous acceleration of production and service provision and the universalization of communication, but it is highly burdened by a monstrous deficit of basic moral ballast, something unforgivable for a historical course that numbers at least 10,000 years of cultural evolution, of which the last 2000 were marked by the revolution of Critical- Scientific Thought of the 17th century, the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, the Atomic Revolution of the 20th and the Information Revolution of the 21st.
With such enormous scientific, economic and technological progress, the imprint of moral evolution had to be overwhelmingly larger worldwide. Instead, Humanity has suffered two world wars and is the hotbed of a multitude of local conflicts, a dizzyingly disproportionate distribution of material goods and all kinds of social services worldwide.
Wisdom Chronicles: Thought of the Day
Believing in God . Without . Faith . Disappointment . Confidence . Without . God . Insane
Philosophy No: 45, Al Fathun Nawa Vol 7
There are many people out there who believe in God unlike those who really believe in Him. This causes God to appear as a mockery when people fail to present their discernment’s belief known as faith. Hence, faith will cease to exist without the presence of confidence. Owing to this, God has urged the mankind to believe in Him with confidence that is cultivated within their souls. This proves on the importance of the servitude and Godly nostalgia that exists in the eyes and heart of a person as he or she believes in God
Al Quran . God's . Revelation . Not . Self creation . Muhammad . Explained . Al Quran
Philosophy No: 147, Al Fathun Nawa Vol 7
Revelations are not self created. The Al Quran is also not self created. Instead, it is a Book filled with wisdom that brings prosperity and an exact way of life (Surah:36:Yaasiin:1-5). Hence, the Al Quran must be well accepted as a Book of guidance for the entire mankind which teaches life to be lived in accordance to the straight norms (Surah:2: Al Baqarah:2). It depicts the vast ocean of knowledge (Surah:18:Al Kahfi:109) known as Mother of all Books (Surah:43: Az Zukhruf:3) made complete (Surah:6:Al An’aam:115) making its way of life (religion) acknowledged as complete along with its favours and acceptance (Surah:5:Al Maidah:3) as a prosperous way of life (Surah:19:Maryam:15)