World Philosophy Day
Program Itinerary for World Philosophy Day 2025
Program Itinerary for Convocation & Grand Dinner

Classical Philosopher
Prof. Dr. Igor Kondrashin
World Philosophical Forum
Universal State of the Earth (USE)
The Declaration of the Citizens of the Earth who have received the passport of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) make the following solemn pledge:
We, the Citizens of the Earth (COE), realizing the increasing need for universal norms and principles of human coexistence on all continents of our planet, consider the receipt the Passports of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) citizens as symbolic support and adherence to the following Universal Declaration:
1. Each passport of a citizen of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) is the direct evidence of a highly developed consciousness, positive individuality, and uniqueness of its owner. It is a symbol of the deep connection of the individual with the most advanced and most intelligent part of Humanity.
2. The Universal State of the Earth (USE) passport has a high spiritual value, reflecting the desire of its holder to actively participate in the study, daily application, and dissemination of classical philosophical knowledge in order to achieve harmony both within himself and in the society around the citizen in order to preserve and develop human community on our unique planet.
3. The issuance of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) passport to Citizens of the Earth (COE) is conducted on the basis of the moral, ethical, and spiritual criteria they have achieved. Every recipient or holder of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) passport should show a deep understanding of and commitment to values based on reason, wisdom, morality, justice, and responsibility, including global responsibility, for the continuation of Life on the planet.
4. The Universal State of the Earth (USE) citizen’s passport provides the opportunity for each of its holders not only to move freely around the planet, but also to carry, spread and multiply knowledge and wisdom in all corners of the Earth, and over time, beyond its borders, which should contribute to the further expansion and strengthening of a single global citizenship, noospheric development of all humanity.
5. Each holder of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) passport undertakes to support the system of unified civil-philosophical education of the Universal State of the Earth (USE), to encourage intercultural interaction and international cooperation, to promote the development of supranational, supra-religious and supra-caste consciousness, contributing to the internal positive transformation of each culture and mutual understanding between peoples.
6. The Universal State of the Earth (USE) passport serves as a reminder of everyone’s responsibility to Nature and the environment around us. Each passport holder pledges to undertake the care of nature and its inhabitants, promote its sustainable development, and positive improvement throughout the world in order to enjoy themselves, plus preserve and pass on our heritage to future generations.
7. We call on all holders of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) passport to be active participants in scientific and practical philosophical discussions and educational activities in order to make a positive contribution to the development of society and the community of humankind, to prevent military conflicts and any activity leading to the self-destruction of any part of humanity or life on Earth.
This Declaration on the receipt and use of the Universal State of the Earth (USE) passports is a confirmation of the common intentions and ideals of the advanced part of humanity to multiply their ranks and serves as a direct reminder to all inhabitants of the Earth of the interconnection and universal responsibility to our ancestors and descendants for the well-being of our planet and all its inhabitants, for the preservation of life in our part of the universe. In fact, the Universal State of the Earth (USE) passport is a symbolic pass from the Global Genocide of the outgoing World order to the community of the new Generation of Humans – Global Citizenship.

Dr. Steven V. Roy
Greek Central Section of the
World Philosophical Forum
Message from Dr. Steven Roy
At the dawn of 2025, Humanity can boast of walking with rapid steps towards the peak of the Information Revolution with the minimization of data retrieval and processing processes, the enormous acceleration of production and service provision and the universalization of communication, but it is highly burdened by a monstrous deficit of basic moral ballast, something unforgivable for a historical course that numbers at least 10,000 years of cultural evolution, of which the last 2000 were marked by the revolution of Critical- Scientific Thought of the 17th century, the Industrial Revolution of the 18th century, the Atomic Revolution of the 20th and the Information Revolution of the 21st.
With such enormous scientific, economic and technological progress, the imprint of moral evolution had to be overwhelmingly larger worldwide. Instead, Humanity has suffered two world wars and is the hotbed of a multitude of local conflicts, a dizzyingly disproportionate distribution of material goods and all kinds of social services worldwide.